
How to Raise Your Blog Catalog Page Rank

So your BlogCatalog page rank, might not be of major importance to a lot of you out there, but nonetheless I thought I would post about it. Actually, part of the reason I’m posting about it is because I had no idea how to raise my BlogCatalog page rank and why they would adjust it. So for those of you who are interested in getting your page rank up, here you go:

(Before I begin I should clear up this one thing, the HIGHER your page rank is, the better. It’s a little confusing to know if you should be aiming for a 1 or a 100, but just to make sure you know the higher the better)

Complete Your Profile - In the advice I sought, this was one that people said was the most important. Finishing your profile (including picture and what not) as well as joining groups seemed to be one of the best ways to help your page rank.

Adding a BlogCatalog widget will increase you page rank as well.

Add relevant tags to your blog - This will make it easy for others to find your blog, but make sure your tags are relevant to your blog!

Blog a lot - This is good advice even outside of BlogCatalog because it impacts your viewers and the amount of people that will find your site through a search engine. Blog a lot because it will also help your page rank on BlogCatalog.

Rating and Reviews - Get people to rate and review your page is one thing people suggested in helping you get your page rank to go up as well.

I also read that getting more people to come to your site and what not helps your page rank, but that’s something all of us bloggers are already trying to do, so nothing new there.

So that’s about all the advice I found on this subject, I hope that it helps you in getting your page rank up as well as getting your blog out there!

I love BlogCatalog and find it to be a fun and great way to get my blog out there. So being active on this site is a good idea. Hope that this helps you Bloggers out there.

Enjoy this day,

Is there anything else you know to increase your BlogCatalog rank?

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muralidharan said...

Your blog looks really good and a lot of content. Meanwhile you could have a look at my blog.

Muralidharan R

Heather said...

Thanks Muralidharan. Let me know if there's some important content that were missing here.

Deb said...

Some good points here! I am not sure about blog catalog but I know one way to raise your blog's profile is by leaving comments on other people's blogs.... (umm...that is not the only reason I am writing this!).

As you say... it's all about exposure. :) Great blog.

Heather said...

Thanks Deb, glad you stopped by and thank you for your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

I luv Blog Catalog too.....