
Tips for Becoming a Better Writer - Maximize Your Time

How are you doing? I hope you’re well. Well if you're reading this, then I imagine you want to become a better writer. If that's the case then I got something for you. Today I came by an interesting story that I felt had some value and I wanted to pass it on.

What I read was that in the seventeenth century there was a French Chancellor named D’Aguesseau. What was interesting about him is that his wife would show up to dinner each night ten minutes late and it was during that time that D’Aguesseau would take the time to write. After a year, he had written a book that went on to become a best-seller.

As someone who enjoys writing and wants to become better at it, I find the most common advice to get better as a writer, is to, well, write. But isn't it tough to find time to write? I mean, I could write if I had the time, but finding it is what's difficult. I, like most people, have kids, a spouse and work, that I need to give myself to everyday. And here we have this man who wrote a book with simply ten free minutes a day. And that is why I found this story so encouraging, that if I can just find some spare free time, even ten minutes a day, I can use that time to write. I don't need hours, upon hours, just a little slice of the day.

If you're wanting to become a better writer, then write. Find time in the day and do it, even if it’s only ten minutes at a time.

Enjoy this day,

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Ryan said...

I usually do my Blogging after the kids are down at night, it helps me relax after a hard day, Interesting tips thanks.

Heather said...

Thanks for commenting Ryan. Yeah when the kids go to bed is a great time to blog/write.