
FREE ESL Games - Guess The Flashcard

The game: Guess the Flashcard

So most classes you teach will have lessons with a handful of flashcards with one side having a new vocabulary word. After teaching the new words I will hold the cards so that only I can see the new vocabulary word. Then I have half the class as one team and the other half as the opposing team. Each team has one person guess the card, if their guess is wrong the other team gets to guess. Whichever team guesses right gets a point, and obviously the team the ends with the most points is the winner.

Fun variations:

So sometimes I will make it me (the teacher) vs. them (the students) as opposed to half the class vs. the other half. Whichever student guesses the card correctly plays me in a game of paper, rock, scissors… if I beat them I give the teachers a point, if they win I give the students a point. First to five points wins or whoever ends with the most points wins.

Anyways, those are some games I play with my students to get them to enjoy studying English and to keep their attention; these games have worked for me, what’s worked for you?

Enjoy this day,

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newkid-photography said...

lol... reading your post on the ESL Games - Guess The Flashcard, reminds me back when i was an ESL teacher...

Hmm... kind of miss doing class activities and have fun in classroom. Sigh...

Heather said...

I miss it even now because we've been on holiday. It's a blast getting to play games and teach English, I'm really grateful for the opportunity to get to do it.

Talita Loves New York said...

Nice blog!
Will come back...

Heather said...

Talita thanks so much for droping in, I'm following you on your blog now as well. Hope you keep finding interesting stuff here!